Sunday, January 11, 2009
Study Time!
Saturday, January 10, 2009
What kind of anime friend are you?
Take this quiz to find out what kind of anime friend you are and how you can make your friendships even better!
1. How many friends do you have?
a. I have several friends but there are one or two special ones.
b. I have several friends but they get on my nerves all the time. Haha! Just kidding! I love,
you guys!
c. You really expect me to count them? I have tons of friends!
d. Friends? I don't need any friends... sniff.
2. Which of these qualities best describe you?
a Honest and loyal
b. Funny and spontaneous
c. Outgoing and open-minded
d. Shy and aloof
3. It's a beautiful Saturday morning! What have you got planned?
a. We could watch a moview or eat a long lunch - anything that'll give us all a chance to spend
quality time together.
b. No definite plans - probably hang out at the mall and argue about whose favorite wrestler
is btter.
c. We'll do something fun together like bowling or mini-golf. The more, the merrier.
d. Eh, I'd rather sleep in till noon.
4. How well do you get along with your friends?
a. Like peanut butter and jelly, ketchup and fries, tempura and fried rice - well, you get the
b. Sometimes we agree, sometimes we don't - but it's all good!
c. Everybody has differences - variety is the spice of life!
d. I don't, actually. They get on my nerves.
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
Marriage... Is what?
Who would have ever thought that in our society we'd be saying, "Marriage is what tears us apart today"? A firestorm of controversy has erupted over the simple concept of marriage. Widely divergent views on the nature of marriage are dividing perople into two very different camps. Perhaps it would be good for those of us who have committed ourselves to living by the standards and the principles of the Bible to review what this God-breathed book says about marriage.
"Adam said, "This is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh; she shall be called woman, for she was taken out of man; For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and they will become one flesh"
Marriage is God's plan for a woman and a man Read More
Monday, January 5, 2009
Why did God created us?
Despite not needing us, God chose to create us anyway, out of his great love. Yes, God loved usbefore he even created us. This concept is bigger than our tiny brains, but it's true; that's what "everlasting" love means. God is love and becauseof that love and his wonderful creativity, he made us so we can enjoy all that he is and all that he's done.
Because of the deep love God has for you, you will always have at least one unfailing friend! Maybe he's not flesh and blood and waiting at your locker for you after class. But that's part of what's so cool about God. He's a friend who is with you all the time. Whether you're at the cool kid's party or just at home alone, God is always right there with you. The God of the universe is just waitng to spend time with you. Hey, have a blast hanging out with Him today!
M.F. Powers
Thursday, January 1, 2009
The Great Lies
The following is a list I gave to each of my sons. I call it "The Great Lies of Our Times".
1. I can be like God (the world's longest-running lie).
2. I don't need God.
3. Science has disapproved the existence of God.
4. The Church is outdated and unnecessary.
5. The bible is meaningless in our times.
6. Jesus is irrelevant to modern life.
7. Love is sex (and its revers: Sex is love).
8. "Safely" engaging in promiscuity, homosexuality, and adultery is no threat to my body, soul, or spirit.
9. Maintaining virginity until marriage is unrealistic.
10. Marriage fidelity and commitment are outdated.
11. Sex will make me happy.
12. Material things will make me happy.
13. Fame will make me happy.
14. The world owe me a living.
15. My wroth depends on my wealth, intelligence, skill, and/or physical attractiveness.
156. Allowing myself to be constantly entertained by depictions of human sinfulness (TV movies, video games, books, magazines) is no threat to my soul or spirit.
17. I am better than you.
18. I can get along fine by myself.
19. I can ignore life's rules and not suffer consequences.
20. Liberty means I'm free to do whatever I want.
We are exposed to these lies all the time, but the devil makes sure we seldom hear them expressed in plain and simple terms. He tries to deceive us, yet his lies remain the same.