Wednesday, December 24, 2008


That's me and my best friend jhayz. We were about to do river rafting. Take a look at our back... see the boats? Yip, we are ready to rock and roll with the river! Lol. Anyway, its so hot there. The heat of the sun is like the heat of the oven! Hahaha... Well, what was important is we enjoyed the day! Ey! How's our smile???

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Wednesday, December 10, 2008

From Aliens to Citizens

Philippians 3:15-21 " But our citizenship is in heaven.And we eagerly await a Savior from there, the Lord Jesus Christ, who, by the power that enables Him to bring everything under His control, will transform our lowly bodies so that they will be like His glorious body"

In my country, Singapore, a person is a citizen if he's born here. But a foreigner can obtain the status of citizenship after he meets certain conditions set by the government. In either case, he carries certain documents to prove that his citizenship is legally accepted. But besides the supporting documents, the real test of citizenship is whether a person obeys the laws of the land and fulfills all the responsibilities required of him. To me, no loyal citizen will disparage his own country and leaders and behave in a way that is contrary to the good standing expected of him.

In the same way, Christians are citizens of heaven. By the death and our resurrection of Jesus, God changed our status from aliens to citizens. We are forgiven and legally declared as "children of God's Kingdom." But as individuals, there is still a lot of change that is needed, since we are not perfect yet. Our daily living has a long way to go to match out current standing before God. With the help of the Holy Spirit and God's Word, we grow to become committed citizens of heaven; loving and obeying God as our King and fulfilling our responsibilities as His loyal subjects.

In his letter to the Philippians, Paunl wanted believers to understand that heavenly citizenship affects the way we think and live. Our destination is different from those in the world. Our desires should be different too. Christians should not be obvious about these things, because citizenship has its responsibilities.

But there is something fascinating about Christians Living out our responsibilities as believers and struggling against sin are not actions without hope. Unlike many who are bogged down with uncertainties, we can eargerly look forward to the future, Jesus will transform us to be perfectly righteous. This hope should keep us walking faithfully as heavenly citizens on this earthly journey.
~Lim Chien Chong

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Saturday, December 6, 2008

Two old friends meet again

We all have friends that are close to our hearts. A friend who is always there, a friend who laugh with you, cry with you and even shout if he's mad at you or scold you when you make mistakes. Yes, we all have a friend like that. Friends are important to us especially when we are in downfall. Friends are their to give us a helping hand and lift us up to the highest.

A friend is a gift from God, so let us treasure and enjoy every single moment we spend with him. Let us not waste our time quarrelling, fighting against each other. There's a saying "Two hands are

better than one". Yes, indeed. Because when one falls down, someone will lift you up. Friends are meant to be our "kakampi" not our "kaaway". So, if you are not in harmony with your friend... say "sorry" and make friends with him/her. Don't let it pass away. If you can do it now, do it now.

And also, don't forget to spend time with your friend/s because time is the best way to show that you love him/her. Cherish every minute, every second that you are together.

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Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Not Feeling Well...

Just this morning, I started to have my runny nose and tonight its getting worst. This gives me a headache! I think this runny nose is the result of those sleepless nights making my Case Sharing about the damn topic Cervical Cancer and also to my groupmates who didn't help making the C.S. La! I'm so, so, so tired and exhausted today... I just want to sleep for the rest of my life. Chao.

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Wednesday, October 22, 2008

6 Ways to Tame the Pain: Gout

1. Don’t put any weight on the joint. This usually means staying off your feet as much as possible until episode subsides, accoring to Stewart. Any pressure you put on the joint will increase the plain and possibly damage the area further. “This is a serious condition because it can go on to cause a lot of major joint damaged and destruction.

2. Keep the joint elevated. This again will reduce some of the pain and keep the blood from rushing to the area, which can cause additional inflammation.

3. Immobilize the joint. This could be achieved by lying still or by actually building a splint for the joint. The less you move the joint, the better it feels.

4. Take ibuprofen. “This will help to reduce some of the swelling and decrease some of the pain associated with that swelling”. Ibuprofen and aspirin are anti-inflammatories, but taking aspirin is not advisable. Aspirin in low levels can actually exacerbate the problem.

5. Avoid icing or heating the area. Heat may feel good in the area, but it also increases circulation to the area and brings in more white blood cells, which can make it more irritated. Icing the joint can cause more crystals to form.

6. Wear comfortable shoes. Shoe that forces big toe inward can make the problem of gout worse.

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Saturday, October 11, 2008

Diarrhea: 15 Ways to Go with the Flow

Another ways to try from Home Remedies:

1. Ride it out. If you're not very young or old suffering from any chronic illness, it may be safe just to put up with it for a couple of days.

2. Keep hydrated. Make sure you maintain your fluid and electrolyte balance. You can lose a lot of liquid in diarrhea, but you also lose electrolytes, which are minerals like sodium and potassium, that are critical in the running of your body. Here's how to replace what you're losing.

  • Drink plenty of fluids.
  • Buy over the counter electrolyte replacement formula. Pedialyte, rehydralyte, and ricelyte are available.
3. Keep your liquids cool but not ice cold. Whatever you choose to drink, keep it cool. It will be less irritating that way. Sip, don't guzzle; it will be easier on your insides.

4. Sip some chicken broth. Or any broth. But have it lukewarm, not hot, and add some salt.

5. Rest in Bed. Give your body a chance to fight the bug that's causing this.

6. Put a heating pad on your belly. It will relieve abdominal cramps.

7. Try yogurt. You'll want to make sure you get a product that contains live lacetobacillus, which are friendly bugs that normally live in the GUT.

8. Eat light. Soups and gelatin may go down easy. Bland foods like rice, noodles, and bananas. Potatoes, toast, cooked carrots, soda, crackers, and skinless, defatted chicken are also easy on the digestive system.

9. Take the pink stuff. Stopping the diarrhea with an over-the-counter medication may not be the best thing for your body. Diarrhea probably reflects your body's attempt to get rid of a troublesome bug.

11. Take Kaopectate or Imodium A-D. Again, you're probably better off going without antidiarrheal medications. If you absolutely need some relief, however, you can try of these over-the-counter medications.

12. Don't do dairy. Avoid milk or other dairy products like cheese during the time you're having diarrhea as well as for one to three weeks afterward.

13. Cut out caffeine. Just as it stimulates your nervous system, caffeine jump-starts your intestines. And that's the last thing you need to do in diarrhea.

14. Say no to sweet treats. High concentrations of sugar can increase diarrhea. The sugarin fruit can do the same.

15. Steer clear of greasy or high-fiber foods. These are harder for your gut to handle right now. It needs foods that are kinder and gentler.

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Sunday, September 21, 2008

Asian Civilization Exam

I just took my exam a while ago. It was horrible. The test was an objective type, all of the questions were supply the correct answer. Erg… me who haven’t memorize all the thing that should be memorize has no answer! So, what I did was to look at my best friends paper and copied it! Hehehe… and my best friend who also copied the answer from our seatmate! That was so silly to do! Copying an answer from a seatmate is quiet hard because you use your eyes and neck too much! Lol!

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Children are out in their house!

We went to "mugna" last night with my brother and sisters. What's "mugna"?. Mugna is the term used to describe the place where carnivals and selling thingy is found when fiesta is fast approaching. Okay, back to the main topic... our purpose their is to have fun riding with different kinds of rides..Lol, like ferris wheel, scrumble, octopus, and etc.

Well, their carnival rides are kinda obsolete compared to Disney Land rides! Hahaha... Their rides are not challenging but scary coz the materials used were not strong. You can hear the metal cracking, squirking.. its will destroy in an instance! Lol! Anyway, we had fun to sum it up.

After the riding gallore, we went to a restaurant and ate our dinner! I guess, the best part of going out is EATING! ^_^ Blog to eat! Lol. Honestly, we enjoyed the hangout... its been a long time since the last time we jammed together! La!

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Tuesday, September 16, 2008

15 Skin Clearing Solutions for ACNE

Many teenagers are suffering from ACNE. And it’s totally not good to have one. So, why not try the following solutions by Renner.

1. Do no harm. Don’t pick, press, rub, or otherwise manipulate those pimples. Your increasing the risk of spreading the bacteria and increasing the chances of scarring. You can pop it, but below the surface, the sebum, bacteria, and skin cells may leak into the surrounding tissue, causing inflammation.

2. Use benzoyl peroxide. A number of over-the-counter products contains this ingredient, which helps break up the plug of dead skin cells, bacteria, and oil in pores and cuts down on the bacteria as well. Start with the lowest concentration, and work your way up, especially if you have sensitive skin, because the higher the concentration, the more irritating it may be. Use it once or twice a day. If it dries the skin too much, Kligman suggests applying a mild moisturizer.

3. Give one of the other over-the-counter products a shot. Other acne products contain sulfur or resorcinol, which help unplug oil glands by irritating the skin.

4. Apply over-the-counter products for prevention. “Don’t just spot the product on existing acne”. “Put it on acne-prone areas”. That can include your entire face (avoiding the lips and eyes,however), back, and chest,

5. Go easy on your face. Teens with oily skin use hot water, a washcloth, and a drying soap and think they can wash their acne away but they can’t. “You can wash your face ten times a day and still have acne. It has nothing to do with cleanliness.” Washing removes oils from the surface of the skin, not from within the plugged ducts.

6. Wash properly. Use a mild soap like dove unscented. Rub lightly with your fingertips and warm water. Do not use a washcloth. If your skin is oily, use a soap with benzoyl peroxide for its drying properties. And wash once or twice a day.

7. Don’t exfoliate. This refers to removing the top layer of dead skin cells. Don’t use brushes, rough sponges, cleansers with granules or walnut hulls, or anything else of that nature on the delicate facial skin. For the back and chest, where skin is less sensitive, you can try one of the acne scrub pads along with soap that contains benzoyl peroxide.

8. Watch out for oily products. That goes for oily pomades on your hair, heavy oil-based moisturizers, and even oily cleansers.

9. Use water-based makeup. If you’re not sure if its water base or not try if its separates into water and powder, its water-based. If it doesn’t, it contains oil. Opt for powder blushes and loose powders. Eye makeup and lipstick are Okay but because you don’t generally get acne in those areas.

10. Forego the facial. Most people are giving facials aren’t trained to treat acne-prone skin properly and may end up doing more harm than good said DeLeo.

11. Don’t rest your chin on your hands. Try not to constantly touch your face. “People who do a lot of telephone work will get chin-line acne”. It causes trauma to acne, just like picking the pimples does. Tight sweatbands and chin straps from sports equipment can have the same effect.

12. Soak up the oil. Some cosmetic companies make a paper product that can be pressed onto the skin to soak up oil. It doesn’t help the acne, but it helps relieve the oiliness, which is disagreeable.

13. Screen out the sun. Sun exposure was believed to help acne. However, too much sub can lead to skin cancer and premature aging, making the risks outweigh the benefits. wear sunscreen with SPF of 15 or higher for protection.

14. Don’t worry about diet. Chocolate, french fries, and other foods have not been proven to have anything at all to do with causing teenage acne. Eating chocolate, nuts, or greasy foods is not to blame when it comes to the zits on your face. On the other hand, if you notice a correlation between something you eat and your face breaking out, then avoid it.

15. Watch out for iodine. This is till somewhat controversial, but some doctors believe that high levels of iodine, found in some multiple vitamins and in iodized salt, may encourage acne.

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Friday, September 12, 2008

13 Techniques to Treat Hiccups

My dad was experiencing hiccups the whole day that prompted me to read about hiccups and how to treat it. According to The Home Remedies Handbook by Renner there are 13 techniques worth to try.

1. Play “hear no evil.” You put your fingers in your ears - and not because they don’t want you to hear yourself hiccup. It seems that branches of the vagus nerve also reach into the auditory system, and by stimulating the nerve endings there, the vagus nerve goes into action. “The pressure you create in the ears”, “is similar to the gag reflex of your mouth”. Remember not to put anything smaller than your elbow in your ear to avoid irritating or damaging the ear canal.

2. Get scared silly. Having someone surprise you may be the one method that overwhelms the vagus nerve more than anything els. “It’s similar to the method an adult uses to quiet a child who’s crying endlessly. Out of frustration, a parent may yell at the child to stop, and sure enough, the child who’s crying endlessly. Out of frustration, a parent may yell at the child to stop, and sure enough, the child will stop, almost as if on cue,”. Scaring the vagus may shut it up.

3. Drink Water. Swallowing water interrupts the hiccuping cycle, which can quiet the nerves. Gargling with water may also have the same hiccup-stopping effect.

4. Sweeten the hiccups. “The nerve endings in the mouth become overloaded with the sweet sensation” Have a teaspoonful of sugar, and if you can, place the sugar on the back of the tongue, where “sour” is tasted. This way, the sugar overloaded will pack the most punch.

5. Pull on your tongue. Sticking out your tongue and yanking on it may stop hiccups.

6. Tickle it away. Tickling the soft palate of the roof of your mouth with a cotton swab may do the trick. Or, if you’re the type who enjoys getting tickled, it may be more fun to have someone find your ticklish spots.

7. Hold your breath. Hold your nose and close your mouth-like when you jump in a pool.

8. Bag those hiccups. Breathing into a paper bag is believed to work on the same principle as breathholding. They increase the amount of carbon dioxide in the bloodstream, and the body becomes preoccupied with getting rid of it.

9. Take an antacid. “One or two tablets may help, especially if you take the kind that contains magnesium”. Magnesium tends to decrease the irritation and quiet the nerves.

10. Eat more slowly. “People who eat too fast tend not to chew well, which can cause hiccups”

11. Don’t pig out. Overloading the stomach with food is another cause of hiccups. If you’re eating too much or too fast, hiccups may be the body’s way of stopping you from continuing to binge, which gives the digestive system a chance to catch up and recover.

12. Avoid spicy foods. Some spices can irritate the lining of the esophagus and stomach.

13. Drink only in moderation. Excessive drinking can damage the lining of the food pipe.

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Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Dry Hair: 11 Tips for Taming It

1. Don't overdo the shampoo. Over shampooing is one of the most common causes of dry hair. "Too often, people think they have to shampoo their hair every day with harsh shampoos". But gentle shampooing stimulates the oil glands.

2. Be kind to your hair. Learn to shampoo your hair very gently. Try not to to pull the hair or put any tension on the hair shafts. When lathering avoid scrubbing with your fingernails, which can not only break the hair but can irritate your scalp. Work up a lather using your fingertips, instead.

3. Use a gentle shampoo. Dry hair needs a gentle, acidic cleanser. "Use shampoo with a pH of between 4.5 and 6.7 for dry hair. Use a gentle cleanser you wouldn't be afraid to put on your face". Some recommend baby shampoos.

4. Pour on the conditioner. Dry hair needs conditioner, says Nelson Lee M.D. Find a conditioner that has as little alcohol as possible in it, because alcohol is drying. For really dry hair, try an overnight conditioner that you put on and wear a shower cap over and rinse off the next day. For severely dry, damaged hair, Novick M.D. recommends using Moisturel, a body lotion that contains petroleum and glycerin, instead of a conditioner. Apply the moisturizer to damp hair, and leave it on overnight beneath a shower cap. Rinse it out thoroughly in the morning.

5. Pour the hot oil. "Hot oil treatments are excellent for restoring dry hair", says Dygart. She recommends using over-the-counter hot o il products that you heat and place on the hair for 5 to 20 minutes. Wear a plastic bag or shower cap over your hair while the hot oil is on. Then, wash the hair thoroughly with a gentle shampoo.

6. Slather on the mayo. Mayonnaise is another excellent moisturizing treatment for dry hair. Use old-fashioned mayonnaise, not diet or low-cholesterol types. First, shampoo your hair, then apply about a tablespoon of mayonnaise. Wrap the hair in a plastic bag for 20 to 30 minutes. Then shampoo and rinse thoroughly.

7. Nix the 100 strokes. Brush your hair gently and never brush the hair when it is wet. The type of hairbrush you use is important. Boar-bristle brushes or "vent" brushes, ones with rubberized tips, that don't pull the hair excessively.

8. Give yourself a scalp massage. One way to stimulate the oil glands on the scalp is to gently massage the scalp during shampoos. "Use the tips of your fingers to very gently massage all over your scalp. It not only stimulates oil glands, it also feels great.

9. Be an egghead. Beating an egg in a cup and with, tepid water, lathering the egg into the hair then rinsing it out with tepid water. There's no need to shampoo afterward. The egg not only cleans the hair but gives it a lovely shine (Dygart)

10. Pace your hair treatments. If you perm on Tuesday, dye your hair on Thursday, and put it in hot rollers on Saturday, your hair is destined to be dry and damaged. Think about your hair like a sweater. How many times can you dye it repeatedly before it begins to look terrible? People with dry hair don't necessarily have to abandon styling practices like dyes, permanent waves, or hair straightening, but he says it's important to space those treatments out.

11. Hold the heat. Using hot combs, hot rollers, and blow dryers is asking for dry hair trouble. Hot rollers are that worst because they stretch hair while the heat shrinks it. Hot combs also tend to stretch the hair and expose hair to heat for long periods of time.

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